Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wardrobe Challange Project

Dear Princess,

Today I am gonna ask about your wardrobe. What is there? Obviously, it is essential (especially for us, princesses), to have beautiful clothes and accessories. This helps us to love ourselves and to feel good (I am sure, that each of us has her lovely black dress or skinny jeans). Analogically, even if we do not notice this, the old-fashioned and worn out clothes are disturbing us in our self-development. Believe me! Many of us wears anything while being home. After work we change our clothes in sport suits or streched panst. Princess, believe me, this is WRONG. Think about your husband/ boyfriend looking at you without makeup? Of course, we look beautiful for ourselves, but also for the relashionship. Also, I am sure that at least once you have had unexpected guests. What did you have on you that time? How did you feel welcomed your friend without makeup? This home/outsidehome change is shameful and makes us feel bad, thst is why we need to look good at any time. The motto sounds: Look gorgeous everyday, everytime, everywhere.

Source: pinterest

Thus, I would like to ask you to throw out your old stuff. Let's begin with the old socks and underwear and finish with our home sweaters. Please, look into your wardrobe and try to figure out, what looks good on you and what is already expired - do not hesitate! During this project, we throw out old and we make plans for things to buy. Write down, what exactly you need. It is so pleasant, isn't it? Remember, you do need to get rid of all your lovely streched pants. Why? because they make you fat, unattractive and neglected. For the next week we suppose to get rid of at least one ruined part of clothes. Start today!

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